2nd Life to Power Plants

Yesterday’s fossil fuel power plants can play a key role in tomorrow’s green transition


In the 2LIPP project on the Energy Island of Bornholm, cutting-edge energy storage technologies and an innovative energy management system will be demonstrated side-by-side inside an operating combined heat and power plant. The purpose is to showcase a scalable, hybrid energy storage solution utilizing existing plant infrastructure, thereby achieving lower cost to deploy energy storage.

In doing so, the innovative European partners in the 2LIPP project will demonstrate a proof-of-concept for a disruptive approach to transitioning traditional power plants and combined heat and power plants to be able to operate effectively in a renewable energy grid.

The unique technologies

Start-up company HYME will deliver a first-of-a-kind high temperature hydroxide salt energy storage for combined heat and power production, demonstrating long-duration grid-scale energy storage. Battery storage consisting of used car batteries from PLS Energy Systems and a high-tech Flywheel from QuinteQ will deliver short duration energy storage. Tied together by a hybrid energy management system from PINI Solutions, the entire storage system will balance the grid and provide stored energy when needed. The project is located at BEOF facility in Rønne, Bornholm.

The 2LIPP project will:

  • Meet the need of utility owners to phase out fossil fuels and phase down biomass without the risk of losing grid stability and security of supply
  • Enable deployment of a low-cost-high-efficiency energy storage technologies to accelerate storage take-up.
  • Enable renewable energy storage to provide short- and long-term supply stability to the grid, thus helping European countries integrate more renewable energy without a risk of black-outs.

The project has the potential to renew the asset value in up to 500 GW of installed power capacity at Europe’s thermal power plants. It will offer both a short/medium term benefit by improving the efficiency of traditional boilers in a hybrid setup and a long-term solution by fully converting power plants to storage sites by taking advantage of the existing infrastructure and central grid position of the power plant.

The green transition

With 2LIPP, a group of pioneering companies within the energy industry will effectively address the ever-growing challenges of increased energy costs and increasingly unstable power grids worldwide. We are setting sail towards creating the energy system of the future, increasing the value of renewable power substantially in the process.

Thus, in the not distant future, CO2 emissions in heat and power production will be reduced to a minimum as fossil fuels are phased out completely and usage of biomass will be reserved exclusively as a buffer in energy production.

Why 2LIPP?

Claus M. Andersen, Managing Director of Bornholms Energi & Forsyning

“For me, there’s no doubt that 2LIPP will be one of the most important stepping stones on the way to the green transition and the energy provision of the future. I am therefore particularly pleased that the project is rooted at our power plant and in our competences.”

Ask Emil Løvschall-Jensen, Director of Hyme Energy

“On Bornholm, we are building the world’s first energy storage using liquid sodium hydroxide, commonly known as lye or caustic soda, where we will store green energy as heat and return it to the electricity grid when needed. We are the only actor in the world with experience in eliminating the corrosive properties of hydroxide salts, and we are now ready to exploit it commercially on a large scale.”

Lars Brückner, International Director, Energy Cluster Denmark

“The world is urgently seeking solutions to accelerate the green transition, making innovation and international collaboration essential. This is why 2LIPP is so important. The global potential for retrofitting existing plants could preserve assets worth 1,200 billion euros, with 15-20% of these assets located in Europe. This project and its technologies could, therefore, have a significant impact both within and beyond Europe.”


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  • 2LIPP Website is live

    The 2LIPP website is now live!